What Loud House Character Am I?
Ever wondered which member of the Loud family you're most like? Take the quiz and find out!
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Rarest AnswerYou Are: LINCOLN LOUD!
Good luck!
You've got the remote control! What will you watch?
You're in charge of preparing a snack for everyone. What will you make?
You're on a long journey to visit your aunt and uncle. How do you pass the time?
What do you eat for breakfast?
What do you like to do to relax?
You've just won a competition. How do you react?
Are you like to take charge when trying to solve a problem?
What do you like most about school?
How tidy is your room?
What sort of music do you like to play after a long day at school?
You love eating cereal, reading comics and watching movies. Sounds like a good time to us!
You are: LUNA LOUD!
You love rock music and you love hanging out with your family!
You are: LORI LOUD!
You're a bit of a bossy boots and think everyone should do what you say!
You are: LISA LOUD!
You're a genius and love doing science experiments. Sometimes, you wish your family were a little quieter so you could read in peace.