What Mischief Would the Marauder’s Map Catch You Doing?
This one is for all the troublemakers at Hogwarts! Find out what mischievous act the Marauder's Map would totally catch you doing!
Hogwarts is a GREAT place to get into all sorts of mischief! Sneaking around at night, going into forbidden areas, finding secret passages... it's a ne'er-do-well's dream! But the Marauder's Map shows the whole castle, so whoever has it can see EVERYONE, even if they're wearing an Invisibility Cloak - so no matter what you're up to, you can't escape whoever has the map! This quiz will find out what kind of mischief you'd get up to at Hogwarts - are you after knowledge, fun, or food? Take the quiz and see! Don't forget to try the rest of out Potter quizzes when you're done - find out which Marauder you are, or which rare potion ingredient matches your soul!

Which House are you in?

Which part of the Wizarding World do you most want to experience?

Choose a location in Hogsmeade!

Which delicious beverage are you craving right now?

Which wizarding artefact would you love to own?

Which film is your favourite?

Choose a character to accompany you on your rulebreaking excursion!

What would Amortentia smell like to you?

Which non-Hogwarts school would you like to do a year abroad at?

Finally, choose an animal companion for your adventure!

Sneaking into Hogsmeade!
You would definitely use the map (and the Invisibility Cloak!) to sneak off-campus and into Hogsmeade! There's so much to do there - people watching at the Three Broomsticks, buying top pranks at Zonko's, and (best of all) Honeydukes! This one is actually the easiest tot get away with, because once you're past the One-Eyed Witch statue, you disappear off the map!

You and your mates would absolutely sneak out of bed at night to go duelling, just like Harry and Malfoy in the first book! Running through the corridors trying to avoid Filch and Mrs Norris is a huge part of the fun, and once you get to the Trophy Room, you can practice spells the teachers won't let you use! Just be careful going through any locked doors - you never know what you might find!

Sneaking into the library!
You're a big reader and you love to learn, so of course you'd try and get into the library when it's closed! It would be tricky to dodge Filch and Mrs. Norris, but once you're in there no one can stop you from reading every book! You'd also definitely sneak into the Restricted Section and read the creepiest books you can find!

Going to the kitchens!
You're a foodie at heart, and so you'd spend as much time as possible creeping into the kitchens! Just imagine - unlimited snacks, a roaring fire, and house elves to chat with? Amazing! The books never make it quite clear how much trouble students get in for doing this, but given that Fred and George do it all the time, it's definitely mischievous!