What Netflix Show Should I Watch?
Not sure what to watch on Netflix? We've got you covered - just answer some random questions and we'll tell you exactly what you're in the mood for! And you can check out more personality quizzes here! How about finding out which princess you are? Or maybe you fancy figuring out which Disney film you should watch? You might even want to find out which Ken you are!

What genre are you in the mood for?

Pick a Disney film

Choose an animal

What's your favourite school subject?

Pick somewhere in the UK to go on holiday

Choose a Harry Potter character

Pick a wild flower

What's your mood right now?

Are you afraid of heights?

Pick a classic cartoon

The Worst Witch!
You should watch the Worst Witch! It's jam packed full of magical adventures and mishaps and that's exactly what you need just now!

She-ra, and the Princess of Power!
You should watch She-Ra! You're in the mood for friendship and adventure, AND magic swords! This has all three!

Maya and the Three!
You should watch Maya and the Three! You're in the mood for a proper quest, and this delivers with lush animation and awesome adventures!

Ada Twist, scientist!
You should watch Ada Twist! You love finding out new stuff and Ada Twist is the perfect show to help you discover more about science!