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What Type of MrBeast Challenge Would You Win?

Which truly epic MrBeast challenge would you totally triumph in? This quiz will sort you into a category - get ready for a challenge!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated March 3rd 2025

YouTuber MrBeast is THE guy to watch when it comes to challenges - his are bigger and better than anything else! If you love to watch them, you probably wonder how well you'd do. Would you be a winner, or would you drop out quick? Well, luckily this quiz will help you decide which challenge to pick if you ever get asked! Are you smart, strong, resilient, or all of the above? Take the quiz and see! And be sure to check out our other MrBeast quizzes when you're done - see how much you know about him, or find out if you have what it takes to win Beast Games!


Which activity do you like best?


Choose a reality TV show!


What do you think your greatest strength is?


Choose an animal that represents your soul!


What would be the lowest amount of prize money you'd compete for?


How do you deal with boredom?


What kind of video games are your favourite?


Which Disney heroine best reflects your player strategy?


Choose a colour to wear during your challenge!


Which of these feels the worst to you?

24-Hour Challenge!

You absolutely love doing anything different, so a 24-hour challenge would be a breeze for you! 24 hours underwater, buried alive, in a haunted building, in the Bermuda Triangle, or even standing still? Pppft, you do that for FUN! You're adventurous, brave, and really determined!

Beast Games!

You would absolutely dominate in Beast Games! You're very multitalented, so you're not only athletic, you're also quick-witted and good at being a team player when you need to. You've got a lot of very different skills, and that's your main strength!

Last One To...!

You're a very patient person, and you have unbelievable stamina and resolve, so you would absolutely ace one of MrBeast's Last One To... challenges! These have included the last to leave an island, the last to leave a circle, and the last to take their hand off a jet. You would walk away with the top prize thanks to your ability to NEVER get bored and keep your eyes on the prize!

Anything You Can...!

You're strong, a great problem solver and VERY determined, so of course you'd win an Anything You Can... challenge! Whether it's carrying objects, fitting objects into a space, or thinking fast on your feet, you've got the skills!