Which Cuphead Character Are You?
You've watched the show and played the game - now find out which character from Cuphead is most like your personality!
Everyone loves Cuphead and Mugman! But are either of these two brothers the closest fit for your personality? They might not be… there are other characters too! And the only way to find out for sure is to take this highly scientific quiz! Just answer these 10 questions and we'll tell you which character from this hit video game and tv show is most like you!
Ready to find out? Let's get quizzing, Cuphead fans!

Pick a drink:

Now pick a nose:

You are... what?

What do you think of Chef Saltbaker?

What's your favourite hobby?

Which of these nicknames do you prefer?

Pick a special move:

Where would you rather live?

Captain Brineybeard is coming! What do you do?

What's your favourite part of the school day?

You're Cuphead!
You're the hero of the show... the more-than-a-little-bit reckless Cuphead! You're Mugman's older twin brother and you and him are always getting in scrapes (although you usually start it)! As irresponsible as you might be though, you know right from wrong and always manage to save the day. Would you rather be a different character? Have another go at this quiz and see what you get!

You're Mugman!
You're the younger and slightly more sensible twin brother of Cuphead! You're just as much of a hero as your bro, but you usually don't start the trouble - you just have to sort it all out at the end! You and your brother might end up in ridiculous situations a lot of the time, but you're an unstoppable team! Would you rather be a different character? Have another go at this quiz and see what you get!

You're Ms. Chalice!
You're the fast-talking, no-nonsense talking cup - Ms Chalice! Not too much is known about you, except you had a tough upbringing escaping a penguin-run orphanage. Oh, and you have a tough New York accent! Whatever the case, Cuphead and Mugman would be lost without you! Would you rather be a different character? Have another go at this quiz and see what you get!

You're The Devil!
Arrrgh no! You're pure evil! You're the final boss of the video game and a huge villain in the TV show too - you're the power-crazed underground demon who tries their best to steal as many souls as possible. You're very powerful, and if it wasn't for Cuphead, Mugman and Ms Cghalice you would have taken over by now! Would you rather be a different character? Have another go at this quiz and see what you get!