Which Cursed Object Would Tempt You?
Are you tempted by the dark arts? Let's find out which dark magical object you want to get your hands on in this personality quiz! Answer some sinister questions and see!
Uh oh...it's time to show your dark side and find out which cursed object from the Wizarding World would tempt you! Answer some spooky questions and find out which dark item you shouldn't be let near! And if you liked this, we've got loads more Harry Potter quizzes right here! What about this expert level quiz? Or maybe its time to try this obscure Hogwarts class quiz? And if that's not enough, we've even got this underrated Harry Potter character quiz!

Pick a real life cursed object

What do you want most in the world?

Choose a Tarot card

Pick a spooky TV show

Pick a dark wizard

Choose a silly prank

What's the worst thing about being a witch or wizard?

What's your biggest weakness?

Pick a good enchanted object

Finally - what are you most afraid of?

The Hand of Glory
The Hand of Glory is as grisly as it is dangerous - but you can't help yourself! Who wouldn't want the power to see when all others are in the darkness! We'd rather not touch it though, thanks!

The Opal Necklace
You're big into jewellery and this necklace is literally to DIE for! Yes, it may look pretty, but one touch and you're a goner! Remember, there's probably a good dupe in Claire's, don't risk it!

Vanishing Cabinet
You like the look of the Vanishing Cabinet - instant transportation, what could be better? Except, of course, getting to your destination without being trapped in a dark limbo forever! It's not worth the time you'll save!

The Mirror of Erised
You might not think of the Mirror of Erised as cursed, but trust us when we say you could waste YEARS of your life looking into its glass! Just close your eyes and run!