Which DC League Of Super Pets Character Are You?
Which one of the super-pets are you? It's time to find out in this awesome quiz! Just answer a few questions and we'll tell you exactly which one of the league you are!
It's time to see which pet its your destiny to be! We've put together this special quiz to tell you exactly which one of the DC League of Super Pets you are! So what are you waiting for? Let's go!

Pick a DC superhero

Choose a Marvel superhero

Choose a pet accessory

Pick a brand of pet food

Choose a spot to nap

Choose a super power

Pick a type of dog

Pick an animal

Pick a made up villain

Choose something heroic to do

Bark Kent / Kyrpto!
You're Bark Kent, AKA Krypto! You're a loyal friend and a fearsome warrior for truth, justice, and the American way! And dog treats!

You're PB, and you're a Wonder Pig! Your skills no know bounds, and you're pretty handy when it comes to a lasso! You also have the power to change size!

Bat Hound!
You're the Bat Hound, AKA Ace, and you're loyal to no one but batman! And maybe whoever feeds you! Your special power is super strength and invulnerability! Wow!

The Terrific Whatzit!
You're The Terrific Whatzit, AKA Merton McSnurtle! You're a turtle of extraordinary ability, including super speed, which makes you the perfect companion for the Flash!