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Which Disenchanted Character Are You?

Find out which character from Disney's Disenchanted is most like you with this magic movie quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

Are you just a bit like Giselle? Or the spitting image of Pip? There's got to be a character in Disenchanted that's a perfect match for your personality - we just have to find out which one! If only there was a quiz that could do that... Oh yeah, we've got one!

Here you go!

1/10 A birthday cake

Pick a snack:

2/10 Captain Hook and Maleficent

Pick a Disney film that's NOT Disenchanted:


Where would you rather live?

4/10 A puppy with a magic wand

Magic is...


Your mum often tells you off for... what?


Which everyday object would you like to make into a talking magic version?


Pick one:

Please add image credits here

8/10 There's a magic cookie in one of these boxes. Use your magic powers to choose which one!

Disenchanted | Walt Disney Pictures | Disney+ | Adam Shankman | Jo Burn

What's your favourite thing about Disenchanted?


Pick a Disney villain!

Disenchanted | Walt Disney Pictures | Disney+ | Adam Shankman | Jo Burn

You're Giselle!

You're a hopeless romantic, which fits you perfectly as Princess of Andalasia! You can find life on Earth a bit tricky, but your cheerful spirit and sense of humour always saves the day. You also love animals - great choice! Would you rather be a different character? Have another go and see what you get!

Disenchanted | Walt Disney Pictures | Disney+ | Adam Shankman | Jo Burn

You're Robert!

You're a little bit grumpy, and aren't sure about all this magic stuff. You're a tough city lawyer, but deep down you can still appreciate the fun things in life. Would you rather be a different character? Have another go and see what you get!

Disenchanted | Walt Disney Pictures | Disney+ | Adam Shankman | Jo Burn

You're Malvina Monroe!

You're the snooty (and a bit mean) local busybody Malvina. In normal Monroeville you're pretty harmless, but when cursed with magic powers you turn into an evil Queen! Still, someone's got to do it! Not the character you wanted? Have another go and see if you get a different result!

Disenchanted | Walt Disney Pictures | Disney+ | Adam Shankman | Jo Burn

You're Pip!

You like eating nuts and joking around with Giselle. You know right from wrong and even though you might occasionally get turned into an evil cat you always change back and manage to save the day. Not the character you wanted? Have another go and see if you get a different result!