Which Family Reunion Character Are You?
Complete Cocoa or more of a Moz? Which Family Reunion character are you? Find out with this epic quiz!
Can't get enough of the hit Netflix show Family Reunion? Then surely it's time you figured out which of the McKellan clan YOU would be... Take the quiz and try your luck! For more Family Reunion check out our Family Reunion trivia quiz or for more Netflix nuggets try our What Netflix Character Are You? Quiz!

How would your family describe you?

What are you most likely to have in your bag/pocket?

How do you like to relax?

What food would you most like to eat?

What clothing would you most like to wear?

What’s your favourite colour?

What is your greatest strength?

What would you most like to do for a living?

What is the most annoying thing about you?

Where would you most like to go on holiday?

What would you wish for?

You hate it when…

What are you most likely to say?

What would you dress as for Halloween?

What can’t you resist?

Choose an ice-cream flavour!

What’s the meaning of life?

What would you do if someone threw a custard pie in your face?

What’s your favourite thing to see?

Pick a type of music…

You’re Cocoa McKellan! You’re entrepreneurial and you love everything organic and natural. You have a creative side too and love making things. Nice work!

You’re Moz McKellan! You love sports and your family and those are basically your priorities. You’re very loyal but you can be a little competitive!

You’re Jade McKellan! You can be quite rebellious but that’s just because you know what you want! You love singing and performing, and taking centre stage. Good job!

You’re Shaka McKellan! You’re mischievous and like to play jokes on people. While you may often be causing trouble, you have a good heart. Nice work!