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Which Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Character Are You?

Are you the Fresh Prince or his cousin Carlton?

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

In West Philadelphia, born and raised, in the playground is where I spent most of my days… If you know the next few lines then this Fresh Prince of Bel Air quiz is for you! Have you ever wondered which Fresh Prince of Bel Air character are you? Are you a little bit Jazzy Jeff or are you more Aunt Hilary? Find out now!


1/10 Where do you spend most of your days?


What would you do with a couple of guys, up to no good?


What would you hang from your car’s rear view mirror?


Can you dance?


Where would you most like to go on Holiday?


6/10 What’s your favourite sport?


What type of shoes are you wearing right now?


What type of music do you like?


Pick an outfit?


What are you having for your perfect dinner?

Fresh Prince of Bel Air | The Stuffed Dog Company, Quincy Jones Entertainment, Quincy Jones-David Salzman Entertainment | HBO


You’re Carlton. In some ways you can be be a bit of a dork but there’s nothing wrong with that because, just like Carlton you’re also accidentally cool at times. Besides, when you can do the Carlton Dance, does anything else matter?

Fresh Prince of Bel Air | The Stuffed Dog Company, Quincy Jones Entertainment, Quincy Jones-David Salzman Entertainment | HBO


You’re Will, the star of the show! You love to be the centre of attention and when you’re family’s up against it - just like Will Smith - you’re always ready with quick gag to make everybody feel fine!

Fresh Prince of Bel Air | The Stuffed Dog Company, Quincy Jones Entertainment, Quincy Jones-David Salzman Entertainment | HBO

Uncle Phil

You’re a very serious person. There are rules and regulations that people should follow. Maybe you should relax sometimes but don’t go changing who you are, because underneath that strict exterior is a party animal waiting to explode!

Fresh Prince of Bel Air | The Stuffed Dog Company, Quincy Jones Entertainment, Quincy Jones-David Salzman Entertainment | HBO


You might not appear in charge but secretly you are. Just like Jeffrey, you are far smarter than everybody else you know. Just be carefully not to let anybody suspect that you find them intellectually inferior!