Which Friends Job Suits You Best?
The gang do lots of things, but which of their jobs would you enjoy the most!
The Friends crew have some pretty neat jobs, some of them are really exciting, others are just down-right dull! But which of their jobs would you be most suited to? Why not take this quiz and find out for yourself? But dream big, the world is wide and anything is possible! So let’s get into it!

What time would you like to get up in the morning?

What time do you go to bed?

Do you like to work with your…

Choose a shoe!

Would you wear a tie to work?

How important is money to you?

You’re late for work - what do you do?

There is a better paid job opening soon, but the company are evil, what do you do?

A dog has chewed your phone, what do you do?

What do you put on porridge?

Awesome! You’re most suited to Ross’ job as a palaeontologist! Now that’s a bit of a mouthful, but a palaeontologist is someone who studies fossils and the remains of ancient plants! Some people might think that’s boring, looking at rocks and stuff, but that’s just because they don’t understand it! Looking at fossils is like time travel - the whole universe can be held in your hands! For big thinkers like you, that’s the perfect job!

Nice! According to your results, you’re most suited to Rachel’s job as head of a fashion brand! Not her job in a coffee shop, but heck, everyone has to start somewhere! Rachel worked really hard to get where she was and it all pulled through for her - so keep on going and you never know, you might be heading up a leading brand before you know it!

Epic! Looking at your results, working as a high-end chef like Monica is exactly the kind of thing for you! Professional kitchen can be challenging and high intensity places to work, but with your spirit and vim you’re exactly the kind of person that is up to it! It also means that you get to experiment with all sorts of delicious recipes - and who wouldn’t want to eat food for a living?!

IT Analyst!
Alright! Now this might seem like a boring job - but it’s probably not… Chandler does it for a start, and he’s not… oh wait, maybe he is a bit boring. Okay - whatever the case, working with computers is a guaranteed way to make it, and with brains like yours, combined with some serious attention to detail the future is wide open for you. But hey, if you don’t like the results, why not try the quiz again?