Which Hogwarts Hidden Passage Would You Discover?
Which of Hogwarts' many secrets will you discover? It's time to find out with this magical quiz! Answer some Wizarding world questions and see what you'll find!
Hogwarts is full of secret passages and hidden rooms - but which one are you ready to discover? Take this magical quiz and find out where you're destined to end up! And if you enjoyed this, we've got a bunch more great Harry Potter quizzes here! How about this boggart quiz that tells you what your worst fear is? Or maybe you'd prefer a Diagon Alley shop quiz? We've even got this impossible Hermione quiz!

Pick a real life UK castle

Pick something to hide behind

Choose a potion ingredient

Chose a Worst Witch character

Pick a Cluedo room

Choose a hidden entrance in Harry Potter

Why are you hiding?

What's your best subject?

Choose a joke object

Finally; what's an embarassing secret you have?

Potion's Classroom Cupboard!
You're trying to find some ingredients in the back of the potions cupboard one day when -click! A bottle turned widdershins reveals a secret passageway behind a store cupboard! Dare you enter?

Owlery Trapdoor!
You're delivering a letter one snowy day when you feel a creak beneath your feet. Looking down, you spy a trapdoor you've never seen before, hidden by an old rug. You open it, and climb down...

Great Hall Tapestry!
You're hiding from Filch one Wednesday afternoon in the Great Hall when, underneath the tapestry you've disguised yourself behind, you find a secret door! It opens into a long, candlelit corridor. After you....

Hidden Lake Staircase!
You're out skimming stones on the Lake one afternoon when you discover than tapping a certain rock with your wand reveals a magical, underwater staircase! But where does it go? There's only one way to find out!