Which ‘Incredibles’ Family Member Are You?
Everyone's favourite superhero family are back – but which one are you most like? Find out with this, ahem, INCREDIBLE quiz!
Let's do this!

How do you prefer to go to school?

How many slices of pizza can you eat in one sitting?

You're thirsty and drink a whole bottle of pop. You feel a burp coming on. What do you do?

What's your all-time best prank?

What's the best way to play football?

You've been invited to a fancy dress party. Who do you dress up as?

You've entered an art competition. What do you paint?

It's snowing! What do you do?

You go to the bathroom and come face to face with a massive spider. How do you react?

You go to the local pool. What's your swimming style?

You're Mr. Incredible!
You're a classic superhero and have incredible strength, can leap tall buildings and even have amazing senses. You've got it all!

You're Elastigirl!
You're like a rubber band and can even turn yourself into a parachute if you needed to. Or even a boat. That's awesome!

You're Violet Parr!
It must be pretty cool to make yourself invisible – especially when it comes to helping out around the house

You're Dash Parr!
You can run at amazing speeds and, according to Elastigirl, a bit of a show off