Which Marvel Villain Are You?
Are you a mischievous marvel or a Thor loser? Take the quiz and find out which Marvel villain you are!
We all love to think we could be a superhero, but have you ever stopped to wonder what SUPERVILLAIN you might be? No? You haven't? Well, that sounds like just the sort of thing a supervillain would say! So why don't you take this quiz to find out exactly which Marvel villain you might be! Go on, what's the worst that could happen? (Apart from having to constantly battle the Avengers, obvs). But hey, so what if you discover you're Thanos or Loki - at least then you'll know why you keep wanting to imprison Asgardian warriors. It's not because it's Monday morning - you're just a Marvel villain! It's okay to feel like you want to rule the galaxy with an iron fist sometimes!

What do you hate the most?

What’s your favourite way to spend a Sunday?

Who would you want to play you in a film?

What song would you be?

How do you like to dress?

How would you describe yourself?

What would your superpower be?

How do you like to travel?

Pick something you would take with you on a car journey.

What is something you'd say to a Superhero?

Hela good! You are the Asgardian goddess of death herself. You love giant wolves and hope to rule Asgard with an iron headdress.

The Vulture!
You are The Vulture! Strong, cunning and a master of flight - you're easily vexed by wisecracking, web-slinging teenagers that are the spider in your ointment. You have no special powers to speak of - just a bird suit and money troubles.

Infinity stone me! You're Thanos - a leader of many powerful assassins, warriors and armies. A 'universe is half empty' kinda guy. Though mighty and incredibly strong, you care a bit too much about jewellery to ever truly wipe out the Avengers... but you've come close!

There's nothing low-key about it, you are the god of mischief! A born troublemaker, you never let anything get in the way of a good double-cross.