Which Mia And Me Character Are You?
Are you a Yoko or more of a Mia? Find out which Mia and Me character you are with this epic quiz!

What do you enjoy the most?

How would your friends describe you?

What's your favourite colour?

What accessory would you most like to wear?

What can't you resist?

What are you most likely to say?

If you weren't a magical character living in the land of Centopia, what would you be?

What is your pet hate?

You're Mia! You're an enchanting magical human who can turn into elf who can talk to unicorns, which is pretty darn cool. Sometimes your love of adventure leads you into trouble, but you have good friends who help you. Overall you are a fun-loving heroine. Good job!

Prince Mo!
You're Mo! You're a born leader who is good at pretty much everything and gets on with everyone. Sometimes you can get yourself entangled in love triangles, but you can't help it if everyone likes you! Overall you are very kind and loyal. Good job!

You're Yuko! You're a badass elf warrior with amazing skills and bravery. Sometimes you can get a little jealous, but that's just your competitive nature. Overall you are a good and dedicated friend. Well done!

You're Phuddle! You're a flute-playing goat with humanlike qualities. Sometimes your musical skills let you down, and you can be a little goofy and clumsy, but everyone loves you. Overall you are a popular and happy creature. Good work!