Which Mulan Character Are You?
Take this epic quiz to find out which Mulan character you are!
Which Mulan Character Are You?

What's your favourite colour?

Mulan | Disney | Pam Coats | Barry Cook & Tony Bancroft
Who is your best friend?

What's your motto?

Choose your favourite animal

Mulan | Disney | Pam Coats | Barry Cook & Tony Bancroft
What do you fight for?

What would the Matchmaker say about you?

What's your fighting style?

What's your favourite Disney movie (apart from Mulan)?

Mulan | Disney | Pam Coats | Barry Cook & Tony Bancroft
You're strong, independent and fierce. You put your friends and family above everything else!

Mulan | Disney | Pam Coats | Barry Cook & Tony Bancroft
You're a great leader, and your friends always look to you for advice!

Mulan | Disney | Pam Coats | Barry Cook & Tony Bancroft
You're fun, crazy and a little bit magic!

Mulan | Disney | Pam Coats | Barry Cook & Tony Bancroft
The Emperor
You may seem quiet,but you're a force to be reckoned with! No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it