Which of Joey Tribbiani's Jobs Best Matches You?
Joey's had a lot of jobs over the years, but which one are you? It's time to find out with this personality quiz! Answer some questions all about Friends, and find out!
Joey's been an actor, a Christmas tree salesman and even a gladiator, but which of his jobs is most suited to you? Let's find out with this personality quiz! And if you liked this, we've got loads more Friends quizzes right here! How about this Friends in London quiz? Or maybe you'd rather try this Chandler's jokes quiz? You might even like this Friends Wedding quiz!

Pick a role Joey has played

Choose a Friend

Pick a Friend's catchphrase

Choose a New York location

Pick a famous actor

What's your nightmare job?

Choose one of Rachel's jobs

Pick a Joey snack

What do you want most in a job?

Finally; How you doin'?

You would be an actor! Like Joey, performing is your dream, and you love the attention of the crowd and the passion of the art! You'll do any acting you can - even if its a play about aliens or a Freud musical!

Cologne Spritzer!
You'd be a cologne spritzer! It's the perfect job between jobs - you just have to be charming, well dressed, and smell nice! Easy!

You'd be a waiter! But let's hope you'd be better than Joey! Unlike Joey, you relish the chance to show off your barista skills!

Museum Tourguide!
You'd be a museum tour guide! It's like acting, but with facts! Tour guiding is the perfect excuse to perfect your story telling skills!