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Which Owl Breed Would Be Your Magical Companion?

Which fine feathered friend would be your loyal companion in the wizarding world? Take the quiz and find out!

Owls are not only amazing animals in real life – they’re also the best way to communicate in the wizarding world! If your top pick for a pet at Hogwarts is an owl, you’ll want to take this quiz to find out which owl breed you should pick. A snowy owl, like Hedwig? Maybe a barn owl? It’s time to find out! Don’t forget to check out our other Potter quizzes when you’re done – why not find out which Gryffindor you are, or which witch you are?


Choose a different magical pet!


Which house do you definitely NOT want to be sorted into?


Choose a spell to use in duelling!


Pick a shop in Hogsmeade!


Which magical snack would you love to eat right now?


What would your worst subject at Hogwarts be?


Pick a magical career!


What would your Patronus be?


Choose a magical colour!


What’s your favourite form of magical transportation?

Snowy Owl!

Your owl would be a majestic snowy owl, just like Harry’s faithful feathered friend Hedwig! Fun fact – female snowy owls have a lot of dark feathers, while male ones are whiter, so the owls that played Hedwig in the films were actually boys!

Scops Owl!

The small scops owl would be your faithful feathered friend! These owls are pretty small, and in the books they can only do local deliveries. Ron’s pet scops owl Pigwidgeon is especially lively, and even though Ron finds him annoying you’d love a pet like Pig!

Barn Owl!

You like elegance, so the majestic barn owl would be your perfect pet! Fun fact about these fabulous predators – though they may fly elegantly, they have the not-so classy habit of swallowing their food whole, then horking up the bits they can’t digest afterwards. Nice!

Great Grey Owl!

Your loyal companion would be a great grey owl! These large owls can look a little intimidating, but they’re not very aggressive creatures, at least not compared to most other owls! The Weasley’s family owl Errol is a great grey owl, and while he doesn’t always get things right, you can’t fault him for trying!