Which Pensive Memory Would You Show Someone?
Are you ready to reveal all in the Pensive? Will you show someone your hearts desire, your worst memory...or just something really cringey? Let's find out with this quiz!
If you had a chance to show someone your memories in a Pensive, what would you show them? A truly amazing secret? Or would you accidentally reveal something super embarrassing? It's time to find out with this Pensive quiz! Answer some questions and find out what you'll reveal! And if you liked this, we've got a ton more Harry Potter quizzes right here! How about this rare potion ingredients quiz? Or possibly you'd prefer a Gringotts dragon quiz? We've even got this forgotten Hogwarts subject quiz!

Pick a Harry Potter character

Do you keep a diary?

Pick a Hogwarts class

How good is your memory?

Choose a magical sweet

What do you forget to take to school most often?

Are you easily embarrassed?

Pick a magical object

How good are you at keeping secrets?

Finally; How clear is your inner eye?

Your secret crush!
Uh oh! You'd reveal to the world your secret crush! Maybe you'd show everyone that time you were looking at them all through maths class, or when you doodled their name in hearts on your jotters -either way, it's mortifying!

A big fart
Uh, well...you MEANT to show them a really cool memory of the time you went to Alton Towers, but what you actually showed was...that time you did a big fart on the bus and hoped no one noticed (they did).

Your best birthday party
You're showing off here, but your pensive memory of choice is your best birthday party! You were five, and it had everything - cake, jelly, ice cream, a soft play and a giant slide! And you've never had a better one, sadly.

The film Toy Story 2
You would show that time you went to see a showing of Toy Story 2! What a great film! So great that you can't stop thinking about it! So what better way to re-live it than to show everyone?