Which Shaun the Sheep Character is Your Bestie?
Which of Shaun and his mates are you most likely to want to hang out with? There's only way to find out - with this epic Shaun the Sheep bestie quiz!
Which of the Shaun the Sheep characters would you most like to hang out with? It's time to find out with this Shaun the Sheep bestie quiz! Answer some questions and we'll match you up with your Shaun the sheep pal! And if you liked this, check out more personality quizzes here! How about finding out which Harry Potter character is your best friend? Or maybe you want to know more about friendship? We've also got this cool Friends quiz on the Friends Friends, so you can find out which Friend would be your friend!
1/10 Choose a farmer

Choose a farming related song

Pick something woolly

What do you value most in a friend?

Choose another Aardman production

Choose a sheep breed

Pick another farmyard animal

How would you most like to spend your day?

Pick another TV show

Where do you most like to nap?

Your bestie would be Shaun! You love getting into mischief, high jinks, shenanigans - you name it, you've tried it! There's nothing you love more than having fun!

The Farmer!
Your bestie would be the farmer! You're more laid back and fun than people think, and even though you've got a lot of responsibility, you love nothing more than chilling out with a stalk of straw in your mouth!

Your bestie would be Bitzer! You love planning fun days out and looking out for others, although sometimes it can get a bit boring being the 'sensible' one!

Your bestie would be Timmy! You love having adventures, although they can be a little scary sometimes! People underestimate you, but you've got a big heart, and you're braver than you think!