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Which Star Trek Character Are You?

Are you a little bit like Jean Luc Picard? Or a lot like Uhura? Go forth and find out in this stellar Star Trek character quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024

With DECADES worth of TV shows, there's a whole galaxy of different characters in the Star Trek universe. With so many to choose from, how will you ever know which character is most like you? Luckily we've made a quiz to help you work it out! Phew! What a relief. So quit hanging about and answer these highly illogical quiz questions!

Here we go!


What's your favourite subject at school?


The Borg want to have a chat with you. What do you do?


Pick a ship:


Your head is... what?


Your biggest skill is... what?


Your best party trick is... what?


What's your favourite part of the ship?


What does this say?


Pick one:


Pick a character who isn't you:

You're Captain Picard!

You're the wise Captain of the Enterprise, Jean-Luc Picard! As well as being one of the Fleet's best captains, you're also an all-round nice person who looks out for his team. When you're not exploring deep space you can be found reading old books and thinking about interesting matters. Would you rather be a different Star Trek character? Have another go and see who you get next time!

You're Worf!

You're the hard-nosed Klingon warrior, Worf! Your go-to tactic is to charge into battle, which is sometimes the right thing to do! You have a strong sense of honour and duty, and are a much-liked officer... even if you are a bit moody sometimes! Would you rather be a different Star Trek character? Have another go and see who you get next time!

You're Uhura!

You're one of the original and best Star Trek characters! Fierce, smart, quick-witted and brave... Uhura is exactly the kind of Lieutenant you need in a tight spot! Uhura is a very hands-on officer who can handle the bridge, navigation and science stations whenever it's needed. Would you rather be a different Star Trek character? Have another go and see who you get next time!

You're Data!

You're the highly logical cyborg, Data! You know everything there is to know about... well, everything really. You're a great guy (thing?) to have around in a tricky situation, but you could maybe work on your sense of humour a bit. Would you rather be a different Star Trek character? Have another go and see who you get next time!