Which That Girl Lay Lay Character Are You?
Are you Lay Lay, or Sadie - or maybe Jeremy? Find out here!
If you love Alaya High, you'll be crazy over her TV show! She plays an app that comes to life to help shy Sadie come out of her shell - and of course, hijinks ensue! But which character is most in tune with your personality? Lay Lay, Sadie, or maybe one of their friends? You're about to find out! And, if you're still hungry for more personality quizzes, we've got them! Find out which Sam and Cat character you are, which Squishmallow you are, or which Golden Girl you are!

What's your favourite colour?

What's your perfect pet?

You're going swimming - what's your priority?

It's your birthday! What are your plans for the day?

Pick a cinema snack

You're at the library! What are you checking out?

What's your favourite kind of video game?

Pick a girl band

Pick a make-up item

What's your favourite season?

Lay Lay
You're Lay Lay! You're the best at whatever you do, and a great friend to boot!

You're Sadie! You're sweet and sensitive, and a great friend!

You're Jeremy! You love science, you're fun, and you're super loyal!

You're Tiffany! You're a fashionista and a bit of a diva, and you always get you want!