Personality Quiz: Which Toy Story Character Are You?
Are you a Woody or a Buzz? Or are you more of a Stinky Pete or a Jessie? | Which Toy Story Character Are You?
To in-quiz-ity... and beyond!

What's the best day of the week?

What snack could you eat right now?

Toy Story 2 | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios
How do you react under pressure?

What's your favourite kind of film?

How would your friends describe you?

How did you celebrate your last birthday?

Cartoon Network
What's the best way to relax?

Which video game did you play last?

What's your opinion on hats?

Toy Story | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios
What do you want to be when you're older?

Toy Story | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios
You are: WOODY!
You're the rootinest, tootinest cowboy in the wild, Wild West!

Toy Story | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios
You are: BUZZ!
You're a fearless space hero with a little red light on your arm that glows when you press it!

Toy Story | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios
You are: JESSIE!
You can yodel like a champion, which might come in handy one day. Like a yodelling contest.

Toy Story | Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar Animation Studios
What's that smell? It's you! Don't blame us. That's just what the computer said.