Which Water Pokémon Are You?
Are you Squirtle or more of a Psyduck? Which Water Pokémon Are You? Find out with this Pokémontastic personality quiz!

What is your greatest strength?

What's your favourite dinner?

What do you do when you are scared?

What is your favourite colour?

How would friends describe you?

What is your pet hate?

What human job most appeals to you?

Which song would you most like to listen to?

You're Squirtle! A tiny little turtle that shoots water at prey with vigorous force. You can sometimes retreat when you feel threatened, but overall you're resilient and good at keeping yourself safe. Cool!

You're Psyduck! An adorable little duckling with a vacant expression and psychokinetic powers. You suffer from memory loss and sometimes, headaches. Poor ducky! Overall you're a very mysterious character. Good job!

You're Tentacool! A sort of jellyfish you float around in shallow seas and you're made mostly of water. People need to be careful though as sometimes getting close to you can involve a sharp sting! Good work!

You're Dewgong! An snowy-white sea lion, you love very cold oceans and snoozing. You can swim very fast and at a distance some sailors have mistaken you for a mermaid. You search for food at night and you love snow, which means no-one can see you.