Which Wizarding Spell Would You Botch?
Which wizarding spell are you mostly likely to mess up? It's time to find out what magical mishap you'd have with this spellbinding quiz! Answer some questions and see!
You might think you're a whiz when it comes to being a witch or wizard, but which common spell or potion are you going to mess up? Yes, we've all got something we're bad at, and now it's time for you to find out what it is! And if you liked this, we've got a ton more Harry Potter quizzes right here! How about this magical plant quiz? Or maybe you'd rather try this Hogwarts secret passage quiz? There's even a wand core quiz!

What sort of spells are your favourite?

Choose a transfiguration option

Pick a potion

How clumsy are you?

Choose a magical animal

Choose a Muggle job

Pick a witch from the Worst Witch

What's your worst school subject?
9/10 Choose a colour

Lastly, which of these things do you do most often?

You would mess up your transfiguration! Whether your trying to turn a saucer into a saucepan or a cat into a canary, you'd mess up and get something muddled in between! (Probably with feathers and claws!)

You would mess up this simple summoning charm! Whatever you're trying to get would whizz straight past you and you'd end up holding something completely random, like a pot plant or someone else's dog!

Polyjuice Potion
You'd mess up one of the trickiest potions around - the Polyjuice potion! Maybe like Hermione you'd take a hair from a cat by accident, or maybe you'd put in TOO many toenail clippings and end up stuck as them forever!

Flying Charm!
You'd mess up a flying charm! Maybe you're trying to fly yourself, or make your bag easier to take around by enchanting it to float, but either way, it's going to go wrong and that bag will fly off into the sky, never to be seen again!