Which Young Sheldon Teacher Would You Get Along With?
Which of the teachers in Young Sheldon would be your favourite? Answer some questions in this personality quiz, and we'll tell you who you'd like most and why!
Out of all the teachers in Young Sheldon, who would be your buddy? Let's find out with this personality quiz! Answer some questions and find out who it would be! And if you liked this, how about a Young Sheldon character quiz? Or maybe you're ready to tackle this Stranger Things quiz? And how about a Netflix show quiz?

What's your LEAST favourite school subject?

Pick a Hogwarts teacher

What's your favourite class?

Pick a wise mentor

How good is your handwriting?

Choose an inspirational historical person

Choose a fictional school to attend

Pick an extra curriculum activity

Choose a fictional headteacher

Finally - what's your favourite teacher's best quality?

Evelyn Ingram - Maths!
You would get on with Evelyn Ingram, who teachers maths! You love all things problem solving, Like Evelyn, you don't take ANY nonsense!

Hubert Givens - Science!
You'd be Hubert Givens, who teaches science! You love physics, chemistry, biology -all of it! But you're also a hard nut to crack, and you'd be a strict teacher!

Victoria MacElroy - English!
You'd be like Victoria MacElroy! As a English teacher, you love learning and exploring new ideas, but you also have bigger dreams and want to be in charge of the school one day!

Wayne Wilkins - PE!
You got Wayne Wilkins! You're a pretty easy going person, with a passion for sports! You just want a simple life - something that Sheldon isn't going to give you!