X Men Personality Quiz
Which member of the X-Men is most like you? Take this epic movie mutant quiz to find out!

What kind of superpower would you rather have?

Pick an outfit:

What do you think of Magneto?

What kind of hair would you rather have?

What's your favourite animal?

Pick an X-Men movie:

Mutants are:

After a long day saving the world, how do you relax?

What other names do people call you?

Which of these things is more annoying?

You're Iceman!
You're not one of he most well-known X-Men, but you're definitely one of the most heroic. You've got the power to control the cold, and can change into a massive block of solid ice! You're also a (wait for it...) very cool guy. Ahem.

You're Cyclops!
You're one of the original X-Men, and have fought off baddies in in loooads of comics, films and games. You've got laser vision - which is an amazing power but also pretty dangerous... and you've been known to set plenty of things on fire by accident!

You're Rogue!
You've got some of the coolest special abilities of all the X-Men, and can steal other people's powers! Nice.

You're Polaris!
You're a very mysterious and little-known X-Men character... Magneto's daughter, Polaris! You have very similar powers to your dad and can control metal and magnetic fields, but you've got a very different personality!