Young Sheldon Series 2 Quiz For Geniuses Only!
Are you ready to ace this Young Sheldon quiz all about series 2? It's time to put your knowledge to the test with this trivia quiz!
Only Young Sheldon's biggest fan can get 100% in this series 2 quiz! How well will you do? And if you liked this, we've got tonnes more TV show quizzes right here! Why not try and guess the cartoon character? Or how about this hard Pokémon quiz? You might even be ready for this ultimate Bing Bang Theory trivia quiz!

How old is Sheldon in this series?

What year did this series come out?

What job does Sheldon get in episode one?

In episode 2, who is Sheldon jealous of?

What's the name of the series' Halloween episode?

In episode three, what sort of animals does Sheldon imagine living on an alien planet?

In episode 14, who is bullying Georgie?

What instrument does Sheldon try during the series?

In episode 19, what position does Sheldon run for?

In the last episode, what does Sheldon really want to win?

Nooo! You might have to go to bottom of the class because you got no answers right! Are you sure you watched series 2? Have another go!

Hmm, we can see you're trying, but you're not quite Sheldon levels of brainy yet! Try again!

Good job! We can tell you're on your way to become a Sheldon level brainbox! But can you get 10/10 next time? Let's find out!

Bazinga! You're officially series 2's top expert! Congrats! Sheldon himself couldn't have done better!