How Do You Eat Your Veg?
Are you a chomper, a chewer, a muncher or a cruncher? Find out with this veg-tactic quiz!

Are you serious about celery?

Do you go crazy for carrots?

Think cucumbers are cool?

Were you born for corn?

What about peas? Will you give peas a chance?

Tomato? Or tomat-no?

Love lettuce or leaf it out?

Do onions bring fun-ions to your plate?

Does broccoli leave you feeling green?

Does chilli leave you feeling cold?

You're a: CHEWER!
You eat slowly and surely - you don't want to risk spitting those lovely veg all over the table!

You're a: CHOMPER!
You take big bites and get that veg down quick! There's much more important things to be doing than eating broccoli!

You're a: MUNCHER!
Veg is so tasty, you just want to munch on it all day long - it's just a shame you can't fit more tomatoes in your mouth!

You're a: CRUNCHER!
Veg is so crunchy and it's so satisfying to hear those carrots crunch between your teeth.