Which Donut Are You?
Donuts are basically the world's greatest thing. But which one are you most like? Take the quiz and find out!
Let's go!

What are you wearing on your feet?

What's your favourite character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi?

Who was the last pop star you listened to?

How tidy is your room?

When was the last time you did the washing up?

Do you eat your Yorkshire puddings last?

Do you wear a hat?

DC Films
Who's the best member of the Justice League?

How long can you burp for after a can of pop?

Who's your favourite Beano character?

You are: a sugar donut!
The classic donut: sweet, sugary and shaped like a wheel. What's not to like?

You are: a jam donut!
You're full of surprises. Namely raspberry jam.

You are: a chocolate donut!
Donut + chocolate = awesome!

You are: an iced donut covered in sprinkles!
This donut is the equivalent of a Hawaiian shirt! And you know what? That's pretty cool.