The Ultimate Biscuit Quiz!
Know your biccys from your cookies? Instead of taking the biscuit why not take the quiz and test your knowledge!
Which biscuit is this?
What does the word 'biscuit' mean in Latin?
Which biscuit is CRUDE RAT SCAM an anagram of?
What is the UK's most popular biscuit in 2019?
The first McVitie's television biscuit commercial featured a character called 'Corporal Crumble' who advocated both biscuits and compulsory national service. True or false?
What country do Fig Rolls originally come from?
What type of Chinese biscuit also contains a piece of paper?
Which of these is a famous Azerbaijanian biscuit?
What are traditionally used at the bottom of trifles?
What are Nice biscuits flavoured with?
Amazing! you certainly know your biccys... a PERFECT score! Time to make a victory cuppa, lay out some of your fave biscuits and get dunking those badboys. Outstanding performance, well done!
Pretty good! Not quite a PERFECT score, but a very impressive result nonetheless. You certainly know your biccys, great job!
Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you may need to brush up on your biccy knowledge! Never mind - why not retake the quiz and improve your score?
Oh dear! It seems you're more custard than cream! You may need to brush up on your biccy trivia. Never mind - why not retake the quiz and improve your score?