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Which Royal Tea Time Snack Are You?

The silver tray of cakes and sandwiches is all ready for you, your majesty! But which is most like you? Let's find out! Prepare the quizzes!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated January 27th 2025

Let's imagine you're a member of the British Royal family! After a hard day's work laughing in golden carriages and shooing peacocks off the lawn, it's time for a snack. After all, you need to work up an appetite before your 12-course meal later on! But which one of these royally-delicious tea time snacks is the best fit for you and your personality? Take this quiz and let's find out!

Quiz on, your Highness!


Pick a British phrase:


Choose a British dog breed:


What are you doing at the weekend?


Choose a Royally British TV show:


Where are you eating your favourite snack?


Pick a British dinner:

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What do you drink your tea out of?


Pick a period in British history:


How do feel about Britishness? There's no right or wrong answer here!


If you were King, what's the first thing you'd do?

You're a fancy cake!

You are one of many, many different kinds of fancy cake that the Royal family enjoy. There are some great ones to choose from too - from the Royally-famous Victoria sponge to fine French fancies. You are sweet, gooey, but sometimes a bit flaky! Sound about right? If not don't worry - just take this quiz again!

You're a cucumber sandwich!

You're a classic English afternoon snack - when a slice of cake or a biscuit just won't cut it! These light sandwiches might be more substantial than a biscuit, but they're still pretty easy on the tum-tum. Extra Royalty points for having the crusts cut off! Not sure this is you? Don't worry - just take this quiz again!

You're Bombay mix!

Bombay mix is a firm British favourite! It was taken from India when it was part of the British Empire, and is a spicy, salty, slightly sweet mix of chickpeas, peanut and general crunchy bits. The late Queen Elizabeth was a huge fan of it! Not the teatime snack you were after? No probs! Just take this quiz again and we'll see what you get next time!

You're a cream tea!

You're not just one snack - you're a whole teatime experience! Fruity jams, clotted (or whipped) cream, and fluffy scones. This is the kind of thing the Royals eat in the summer, probably whilst watching their peacocks play cricket. It's one of the most British foods going! Not sure it's you? No worries - just take this quiz again!