Can You Ace This Ali A Trivia Quiz?
Are you a fan of Ali A? Course you are! Take this quiz and test your knowledge of this epic gamer and champion Youtuber!
If you've spent any time on Youtube you've probably heard of this guy - it's the legendary gamer and streamer, Ali A! But how much do you really know about him? We've come up with 10 extra tricky questions to test his fans! Can you pass the test and score 10/10 on this trivia quiz? Let's get quizzing and we'll soon find out!

Let's start off easy - what game does Ali usually play?

Where is he from?

How many subscribers has he got?

What type of pastry is Ali looking at here?

Which of these is NOT one of his Youtube channels?

Which of these types of videos does Ali not usually make?

Guess the title of this video!

What other games does he play, apart from Fortnite?

What does Ali think of Peely?

Which of these consoles does he NOT usually play on?

Bah! Tough luck. Looks like someone needs to swot up on their Ali A knowledge and then come back to have another go at this quiz (that someone is you, sorry). Better luck next time and remember, we have lots more quizzes where this one came from!

Pretty good! You clearly know a few things about Ali A! Nice! You did still get a few questions wrong though, do you know which ones? Let's have another go and see if you can beat this score! Better luck next time!

Wow! Amazing work! This is a great result! You got almost every single question right! Very nice - you just got one or two questions wrong. Know which ones? Let's take a different quiz and we'll see if you can score even higher!

GASP! You know absolutely everything there is to know about Ali A! Well done! You got every single question right! You can't beat this score, but can you match it on a different Youtuber quiz? Let's find out!