Are You the Imposter? | Among Us Personality Quiz
So who's the evil alien this time? Take this killer quiz to find out!
Pick a task:
You think you see someone faking a task. What do you do?
The player you thought was faking tasks says he's not the imposter. What do you do now?
At the meeting, someone accuses you of being the Imposter! What do you do now?
Pick one of these:
Uh oh! Dead body reported! What do you do?
Where were you when the last person was killed?
Which colour is more sus?
Very interesting. And finally... what kind of hat are you wearing?
You're the Imposter!
It was you all along! So cunning! So evil!
You're not the Imposter!
Wait... if it's not you...then who is it? AAARGH!
You're a Ghost!
You might've been an Imposter once, but you're dead now. Too bad!