Block Blast Trivia Quiz
Block Blast is a classic, but are you the boss of the blasting blocks?
If you think you know everything about Block Blast, then this is the place to find out once and for all! All that time spent blasting those blocks to bits must have been worth something! So let’s put your knowledge to the test and see how you do on this trivia quiz! Maybe you really do have what it takes to call yourself the block blasting boss? Maybe not, but it’s up to you to find out!

What platform is Block Blast NOT on?

What is the name of the studio the makes Block Blast?

How can you prove your skills?

How do you rotate blocks?

What colour isn’t among the blocks?!

How do you get combos?

How do you get rid of blocks?

How much does it cost to play?

What year did Block Blast release?

Which retro game is Block Blast most like?

Alright… Okay, it looks like you’ve missed the boat on this quiz… You haven’t done very well at all, and the blocks remain very much un-blasted! But that’s okay! You can’t start at the top straight away can you? You’ve got to practice! Block Blasting doesn’t come easy! So why not have another go and see if you can score higher?

Okay! Now we’re getting somewhere! You’ve got a pretty good handle on these blocks! As well as being near-to-professional when it comes to playing the game, you’ve got a pretty strong knowledge of the story behind the game, which is pretty cool! But there is still a fairly long way to go, so do you think you can score higher? Go on, give it a go!

Blam! Wow! You’ve scored really well on this quiz! There isn’t a great deal you DON’T know about Block Blast, so you should be really proud of yourself! Who said that all that knowledge was useless? Not us, that’s for sure! There are a few questions that you just missed out on, so you can either give them another go, or do something else with your day? Maybe blast a few blocks?

Boom Blast! You’ve scored 100% on this quiz! What an incredible, unbelievable result! There isn’t anything you don’t know about this game and it shows! You’ve proven that all that time blasting blocks was worth something! But what’s next? We’ve got lots of other quizzes on the site, maybe there are one of two that take your fancy!