Block Blast True or False Quiz
When it comes to blasting blocks, are you the best? Letâs find out!
Block Blast is up there with the best games you can play, it's perfect at killing a few minutes on the bus, just so long as you donât miss your stop! But do you think you can beat this True of False quiz? These ten questions will set the beginners apart from the bosses, do you think you can handle it? Letâs give it a whirl!

Block Blast is free to playâŚ

Block Blast was invented in 1980, true or false?

Block Blast is actually older than Tetris!

Block Blast was originally called Blox Blasta, true or false?

The game crashes if you score 10,000, true or false?

Block Blast was originally designed to help hospital patients, true or false?

There is a multiplayer version, true or false?

Block Blast is on PS5, true or false?

There is a cheat modeâŚ

Block Blast is banned in the USA, true or false?

Oh dear! It doesnât look like youâve done very well at all on this quiz! Thatâs a real shame, but I wouldnât worry too much, there are more important things going on. BUT! If you really want to score full marks, then the only thing to do is to have another try at this quiz and see if you can score better! Are you ready for the challenge? Thereâs only one way to find out!

Alright! Now weâre getting somewhere, you clearly know your way around Block Blast, whether or not youâve scored high enough to call yourself an expert is another thing altogether! But if you think youâve got what it takes to call yourself the master of the blast, then giving this quiz another try is just the thing! Go on, give it a go!

Boom! Consider that block blasted! Youâve scored really well on this quiz! So well youâve nearly blasted your way to the top of the pile, it feels a lot like a high score if weâre being honest! Great work! There is still a little way to go if you truly want to reach the top of the block blasting big leagues - so if you think youâve got it in you, why not give it one last try and see if you can get every single question right?!

Blam! There it is! Youâve scored full marks on this quiz! What an epic result! They said it couldnât be done, but here you are, gazing down from the top of the pile, a landscape of blasted blocks stretching out as far as the eye can see! Well done! So whatâs next? Itâs up to you! More quizzes? A nice walk? A porridge eating competition? When it comes to Block Blast there really isnât anywhere further to go!