Challenging Roblox Magic Tiles Quiz!
See if your wit can match your rhythm in this challenging Roblox quiz!
Roblox fans are going to need to rely on all the rhythm they have for this quiz! See how well you know the Magic Tiles game – you might just surprise yourself! Don’t forget to try our other Roblox quizzes – see how well you know Be a Ball, or Meep City!

Where can you play the game?

What kind of game is it?

What genre is the game?

How can you get a "Perfect" mark?

Which instrument does it simulate?

True or false: it's based on an app game?

What colour are the tiles you have to click?

What shape are the symbols you hit if you play the game properly?

What happens if you miss too many tiles?

Who makes the game?

Oh no – looks like you've got a lot to learn about Magic Tiles! Hey, don't worry about it – it's a good excuse to play it again, then come back and have another go!

Not bad – you know this game fairly well! But we just know you can get a higher score – why not come back later and see?

Very good! You know a lot about this game, and you're a bit of an expert at playing it! Next time, you're sure to get a perfect score!

A perfect score – incredible! Well done! No one knows more about this game than you do!