Fortnite & Dragonball Z Quiz!
They said it couldn’t be done, the crossover to end all crossovers! Why not test your knowledge here!
Knowing about one thing is easy, knowing about two things is way harder! Knowing about both Dragonball AND Fortnite might be the hardest thing out there! Fortnite and Dragonball Z have teamed up in what is likely to be the biggest crossover ever! So why not see if you’ve got it in you to go Super Saiyan in Tomato Town!?

What is the name of the ring that closes in Fortnite?

Where does the Dragonball Fortnite crossover take place?

Which characters can’t you play as in Fortnite?

How many Dragon Balls can you collect?

How many minutes do you have to win in versus mode?

What is the name of Goku’s energy attack?

Where does Bulma live?

What will Bulma give you in exchange for bars?

Where in the game can you watch Dragonball Z episodes?

What type of creature is Beerus?

Oh dear! Not your finest score, Goku has completely wiped out Tomato town and you’re down to 1hp - this is not a good day! Why not try one of our other quizzes and see if you can do better? There might be some easy ones lying around somewhere!

Not too bad! You’ve managed to stop Vegeta from winning the entire round, but only through good luck! It takes skill to get your hands on those Dragonballs so why not put some practice in and then maybe you'll be ready to have another go at the quiz and see if you can do a bit better?

Alright, you’ve powered up and geared up - the loot is pretty much yours for the taking and with an understanding of both Dragonball Z and Fortnite, that’s not a surprise! Well done, why not have another go at the quiz and see if you can get 100%!?

Epic, you’ve gone full Super Saiyan straight off the battle bus! All the others shake in fear as you create your own storm that takes over the map! You’ve scored full marks, and that’s something to be mega proud of - why not take one of our other quizzes for a spin and see how it goes!?