Fortnite: True or False Quiz Loot Awaits!
It’s one of the best games ever - true or false?!
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The battle bus was originally meant to be a train

Epic Games started the phrase ‘epic’

The designers wanted to have Fortnite set in the real world

The shopping cart vehicle can be fitted with rockets!

The pirate cannon can’t shoot with only one player

The boar has unlimited sprint

You cannot get more than 500 health in normal gameplay

The pickaxe is the quickest way to beat Darth Vader

The Infinity blade takes up 6 inventory slots

Cuddle fish explode on impact

Oh dear! It looks like the battle bus has set off, but you weren’t on it! Nightmare! But don’t worry, you can always have another go, after all, maybe you haven’t even played Fortnite before? No, surely not? Why not check out some of the other quizzes on the site and see if you can do better on them? Good luck!

Alright! You clearly know ‘some’ things about Fortnite, but there is definitely room for improvement! Things can always get better right? So why not have another go at teh quiz and see if you can beat it, or maybe you could try a completely different one?! It’s up to you, but don’t worry, we believe in you!

Pow! Now we’re talking, you set off from Tomato town and turned that epic loot into a quiz victory! What a great result, it doesn't look like there is much that can slip past you when it comes to a Fortnite quiz! Well done, but although you've almost nailed this one down, there is still room to improve - so why not have another go and see if you can beat this quiz at 100%?!

Blam! That’s it! You’ve smashed this quiz so far out of the park that it’s ended up in the storm and been sent back to the lobby! You’ve demonstrated some incredible skills and knowledge to get this far, so enjoy the glory - it’s all for you! What a brilliant score! But now that’s done, why not check out some of the other quizzes on the site? Maybe you can beat them too?!