Fossil, Myth or Regular Pokémon? Quiz
Test your Poké-smarts in this ultimate quiz and see if you're a true Pokémon Professor!
It's time to put your Poké-knowledge to the ultimate test! Can you tell your ancient Fossil Pokémon from your legendary Mythical Pokémon? Or are you just a pro at spotting an everyday Regular Pokémon? Get ready for 10 tricky questions – only true Poké-masters will ace this quiz!

Which category does Kabutops belong to?

Is Jirachi a Fossil, Mythical, or Regular Pokémon?

Aerodactyl is best known as what type of Pokémon?

Which of these is a Mythical Pokémon?

Which of these is NOT a Fossil Pokémon?

Which Pokémon is just a Regular Pokémon?

Manaphy falls under which category?

Cranidos evolves into Rampardos, but what kind of Pokémon is it?

Which of these Pokémon is a Mythical Pokémon?

Tirtouga is a type of…?

Oh no! Looks like your Poké-knowledge is stuck in the Stone Age! Time to study up and try again!

Good try! You know a fair bit, but your knowledge is a little hazy – like a mysterious Mythical Pokémon. Keep going!

Great work! Your skills are nearly legendary – just a bit more training and you’ll be a true Poké-master!

Wow! You’re the very best, like no one ever was! Fossil, Mythical, or Regular – you know them all!