Pokemon Quiz: How Well Do You Know Generation IX?
This is one for all Scarlet and Violet superfans! See how much you know about Pokemon, Generation IX!
Are Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet your absolute favourite games? Then this is the quiz for you! The games brought in Generation IX of Pokemon, and this quiz will challenge your knowledge and put your Pokemon savvy to the ultimate test! Can you get the high score, or do you need to go back to the Academy? We've got more Pokemon quizzes for when you're done - see how well you know Pokemon Sun and Moon or Pokemon Sword, or find which which trainer class you are!

Which game introduced Gen IX?

What year did Gen IX appear?

What kind of Pokemon is Charcadet?

Who is this Pokemon?

What's the name of the new villain team?

Which region was introduced in Gen IX?

How many new Pokemon appear in the game?

Can you identify this Pokemon?

Which of these changes was made from Gen VIII?

What's the name of the new academy?

Oops - looks like you've got a lot to learn about the latest generation of Pokemon! Don't worry, you can always come back and have another go when you're ready!

Nice effort - well done! You know a few things about Gen IX - but we just know you can do better! Why not come back and have another go when you're ready?

Very good! You know Gen IX pretty well - it might be your favourite Pokemon era! Next time you try, we bet your score will be perfect!

Wow, a perfect score! Amazing! No one knows more about Pokemon Gen IX than you - well done!