Guess the Pokémon: Can You Get All 35?
Who’s that Pokémon? Test your knowledge with our guess the Pokémon quiz!
Let's pretend it's the end of an episode of Pokémon. There's only one question to answer during the ad break, and that is: WHO ON EARTH IS THAT POKÉMON?
Do you know them all? Well, now's the time to prove it with our guess the Pokémon quiz. This is just one of our many great Pokémon quizzes. Do you know Pidgey from Zubat? Can you spot the difference between Jigglepuff and Wigglypuff?
You'll have to use your immense knowledge of Pokémon, including rare Pokémon and Pokémon of different types and sizes.
Did you know there are 18 types altogether? Of course you did, you're a total Pokémon expert! There are only 17 questions in this quiz though, so we're not going to challenge you on every type of Pokémon going. Just some of our favourites!
Ready to answer 'em all? Let's go!

Let's kick off with this Pokémon character! Who is this legend?

Who's this Pokemon?

Who's this?

Who's this?

Who's this Pokemon?

Who's this Pokemon?

This one's easy!

Can you name this character?

Whats this sand type Pokemon?

Name that Pokemon!

Who could this be?

Who's this Pokémon?

Who's this Pokémon, then?

Who's this Pokémon?

Can you name this Pokémon?

Who's this then?

Who is this?

And this?

What about this gentleman?

This happy blue thing?

Can you name this Pokemon?

Wood you be able to name this one?

Name this blobby character for another point!

Who's this Pokémon?

This angry ball?

This rock-like snake thing?

This cute surprised face?

This smart little owl?

This dragon type chap?

This happy green dude?

Oh hi! Who is this?

Oh look there's a rock in the ground. Hang on a minute...

Who is this?

This vegetable?

Who is this?

Wow, that's a perfect score! You're the master of all Pokémon and deserve an infinite amount of Pikachus!

Great work! You're a Pokémon expert and know pretty much all there is to know about this lot!

Not bad! You're a;Pokémon master in training just like Ash.

Oh no! You can do better than this! You need to swot up if you want to be a Pokémon master!
Quiz Writer: Beano Quiz Team
Alakazam or Anorith? Foongus or Flygon? If you know the difference, then you might just have the Pokémon naming know-how to really ace this quiz!
There are over 900 Pokémon out there so the big question is – how many can you name? But there’s no point in taking a sneaky peek or two at the answers – you'll have to really count your Pikachu’s if you want to get top marks.
We wrote this quiz so you can test yourself with all things Pokémon – and remember to test your mates to find out who knows the most!