Can You Beat This Mario + Rabidds Spark of Hope Quiz?
Have you mastered this epic Mario and Rabbids crossover game? You'll need all your gaming skills to get 100%!
It's the latest Mario game! And it's a doozy! This time our moustachioed hero gets some help from the Rabbids to try and save the Sparks from their galactic doom. Have you played this game? Do you know every level and every secret item inside out? It's time to test your skills with this ridiculous Rabbid quiz!

What is a Rabbid?

What can you play Mario + Rabidds Spark of Hope on?

What weapon does Bowser have in this game?

Where are the Sparks?

Which character has a bow and arrow?

Pristine Peaks is covered in... what?

How many playable characters are there?

Which of these is NOT a real Spark?

The game is made by Ubisoft Milan and Ubisoft Paris. What country is Milan in?

Which of these is one of the Rabbid's DJ name?

Dang! You didn't do very well at this quiz at all! You'd better get back to that drawing board! Mario Rabbid isn't best pleased. Try again?

Not bad! Not amazing, but not bad! You've definitely played a Mario a few times - but haven't qute mastered this game yet. Have another go and see if you can do a bit better? If you don't fancy it we have plenty more gaming quizzes to choose from!

Great job! You know loads about this game! Luigi Rabbid is very impressed! You didn't quite get 100% - but never mind. Have another go if you want to fix your mistakes, or just scoot on over to the next gaming quiz! Nice!

Amazing! High score! 10/10! You really know your stuff! Luigi Rabbid is super impressed. Now, can you get another high score on a different gaming quiz? There's only one way to find out... quiz!