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Minecraft Personality Quiz: What Type of Minecraft Player Are You?

You already know and love the game, but what kind of Minecraft player are you REALLY? Take this quiz to find out!

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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
Rarest Answer
You're The Noob!
Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

You've just started a new game - what's the first thing you do?

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

How do you spend your first night? 


Pick a tool:

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

Which of these mobs are you more scared of?

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

Where do you prefer to set up your base?

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

What's the best thing about Minecraft?

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

Pick a potion:

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

Pick a Minecraft gaming mode:

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

What's your favourite block?

starburst via giphy

What do you think of llamas?

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

You're the Noob!

You've just started playing Minecraft and have a lot to learn - no that Creeper does not want a hug! This is also the most fun bit though, as you still have all of Minecraft to discover. Be proud to be a noob!

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

You're the builder!

You like nothing more than collecting resources and building huge palaces, castles, or whatever else you fancy! Your favourite mode is creative, and you much prefer it to struggling to survive like in the other modes. Sound about right?

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

You're the adventurer!

Your favourite mode is survival, and you like nothing more than battling your enemies and keeping yourself alive in a tough environment. You never cheat and you know all the hidden tips and tricks!

Minecraft | Mojang Studios / 4J Studios

You're the miner!

You spend most of your time underground, mining rare minerals and blocks. You know all about ore spawns and are always searching for new things in those deep caves. Sound like you?