Name The Minecraft Axe Enchantments Quiz!
Think you can ace this Minecraft Axe Enchantments quiz? Let’s see how well you do!
When navigating the hugely expansive world of Minecraft, it’s always nice to have a bit of help every now and then. That’s where enchantments come in! It’s a way of improving your tools, pieces of armour and axes! How much do you know about axe enchantments in particular? Whether you’re a beginner or a Minecraft expert, this quiz is sure to test your knowledge!

Which enchantment would you use to increase the chopping speed of your axe?

Which enchantment increases melee damage?

Which of the following is a powerful enchantment?

Which enchantment will make your axe disappear?

Which enchantment will cause the most damage against spiders and bees?

Which enchantment should you use on a pickaxe when mining for ore?

Which enchantment is handy when facing a group of zombies?

Which enchantment will make your axe extremely strong?

Which enchantment uses experience orbs to repair itself?

Which enchantment would you use to get a whole bookshelf instead of three books?

Oh no! It’s not every day you get asked questions about how to make an axe even more axe-y, is it? Why not have another go – you might get an even better score!

Good try! This was a pretty tricky quiz, wasn’t it? Maybe play some more Minecraft and find out more about axe enchantments and you’ll get a perfect score in no time!

Great work! Someone’s been paying attention to their axe enchantments, haven’t they? We bet you could do even better if you had another go!

Wow! When it comes to enchantments which will make an axe even axe-y, you’re something of an expert. It’s plain to see! Well done.