Roblox Funky Friday Quiz for True Fans
Got rhythm? See if you can master our Roblox Funky Friday quiz!
It's one of our fave Roblox mods, and totally irresistable if you love rhythm games. But are you a true fan of Funky Friday? Are you up to date on all the mods, animations and emotes? Prove it with a sick score here! Don't forget to check out some other Roblox quizzes - try our ultimate Pet Swarm quiz, Tower Defense Simulator quiz, or King Legacy quiz!

What game is Funky Friday based on?

What's the main difference between that game and Funky Friday?

How many points can you score at max at the end of a song?

When was the game's first update made?

The game had a shop when it first released, true or false?

Which old internet meme shows up as an animation?

CaptainJackAttack | YouTube.com
What was the first mod?

Why has there never been a Hatsune Miku mod?

How many lead developers work on the game?

How many players can fit on the leaderboard?

Oops! Try again and see if you can bring your score up!

Not bad! Try again and see if you can bring your score up!

Hey, you're pretty good at this! Try again and see if you can bring your score up!

Wow, you're the expert! Your sense of rhythm is INCREDIBLE!