Super Spooky Roblox Rainbow Friends Quiz
It doesn’t sound scary, but we all know there is more to it than the name! So let’s see how much you know about Rainbow Friends!
Trapped in a theme park? That doesn’t sound too bad, but that’s where it all goes wrong! This game mode is full of scares, jumps and the strangest creepiest characters ever to be animated in Roblox! So let’s get down to it and find out how much you know about this spooky Roblox game! Boo!

What is the name of the amusement park?

How many nights do you need to survive?

How many different characters are there to scare you?

How do you get away from the blue friend?

How do you stop the orange friend from coming out?

What is special about the green friend?

Where do the purple friends live?

Where do you take the blocks back to?

Other than boxes, where can you hide?

How many fuses do you need to find?

Uh oh! It looks like you got so spooked on the first level that you curled up into a ball and hid away until your battery ran out! But that’s ok, Rainbow Friends is one of the scariest game modes out there so don’t worry! Why not have another go and see if you can do a bit better another time around?

Nice! Now we’re getting somewhere! It takes more than a few brightly coloured spooky creatures to shake your spirit! You’ve done pretty well on this quiz, but we think that you can do better, so why not have another go and see if you can score better? Let’s get back to Odd World and see what you can do!

Awesome! You know nearly everything there is to know about Odd World and the wonderful Rainbow Friends! But more importantly, you’re hardly scared of anything and that counts for a lot, you managed to make it through about 80% of the game without running out of the room screaming! So why not try once more and see if you can get 100% right? Go on!

Pow! You’re un-scarable, you’re the master and the expert of this game mode! Rainbow Friends didn’t even make you break a sweat, do you even feel fear?! Should we be worried that you’re so completely fearless!!! But well done, you’ve put your skills and knowledge to the test and come out on top, great work!