Roblox: Slap Battles Quiz
Are you a slap happy Robloxer? Test your knowledge of this slap-tastic Roblox game with this action-packed gaming quiz!
Are you a fan of Slap Battles on Roblox? Of course you are! Then saddle up and find out how much you really know! We've come up with ten of the toughest questions to see if you're a gaming god or a total newb!
So quiz on! And good luck, slap battler!

Which of these is not a real game mode?

Who made the game?

What badge is this?

What do you use to slap other players?

What glove is this?

What's the name of this location?

Which of these is NOT a real glove?

What is written above the leaderboard?

How do you get the Titan glove?

The nightmare glove is... what?

Yikes! Oh dear. Looks like you'd better have another go at Roblox Slap Battles and then come back to try this quiz again! Better luck next time, Roblox fan! If you'd like to try a different gaming challenge we have lots more - just take a look!

Pretty good! Not quite a high score, but you clearly know your stuff. Not bad at all! Do you know where you went wrong? Have another go at this quiz and see if you can score even higher! Good luck!

Top work! You really know this game inside out! You didn't quite get 100%, but never mind! You were very close! Now, do you want to see if you can beat this high score on a different gaming quiz? We have lots more!

Amazing! You know everything there is to know about this game! Fantastic! Not a single question wrong! Well done! Now, you can't beat this perfect score - but can you match it on a different quiz?