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The Ultimate InquisitorMaster Quiz!

Do YOU love the quirky gaming styles of YouTube sensation InquisitorMaster? From Roblox to Among Us, this young YouTuber is the golden girl of gaming! But how's YOUR inquisitive mastery? Test your skills with this epic quiz!

Beano Quiz Team
Last Updated:  August 19th 2024
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Beano Quiz Team • Updated August 19th 2024
InquisitorMaster | YouTube

What is InquisitorMaster's real name?


Where does Alex live?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

What was Alex’s nickname in high school?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

What is Alex’s first language?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

What job did Alex do to earn money for her first laptop?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

Which YouTuber did Alex start dating in 2017?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

What does Alex call her fanbase?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

What does Alex call the group of friends she plays Roblox with?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

Which of the following is NOT one of Alex’s gaming friends?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

Which of the following is NOT the name of a popular InquisitorMaster video?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

What is Alex’s star sign?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

What is Alex’s favourite colour?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

Oh dear! It seems you may need to watch a few more InquisitorMaster vids if you're to be a true quizzing champ! Never mind, why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

Not so hot! While not the worst score in the world, you may need to brush up on your YouTuber trivia if you're to achieve quizzing competence... Never mind! Why not retake the quiz and improve your score?

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

Pretty good! While not an absolutely PERFECT score, you certainly know your YouTubers. A very respectable result, good job!

InquisitorMaster | YouTube

Amazing! You got a PERFECT score! There's no doubt about it, you really know your YouTubers. An incredible result, well done!