This Roblox: Warm Isolation Quiz is Mega Toasty!
Do you know everything there is to know about this Roblox game? Take this extra-cozy gaming quiz to find out!
There are all kinds of Roblox games out there - but this one is a little bit different! Are you a fan of this surprisingly chilled out hangout game? Snuggle up, get a warm drink, and let's put your knowledge of Roblox: Warm Isolation to the test!
Ready to get cozy? Quiz on, Roblox fans!

Warm Isolation is meant to be... what?

Which of these things can you do in Warm Isolation?

How do you get the botanist badge?

What do you need to run out of to get the "Helpless" badge?

What kind of food can you eat in the game?

How do you order the pizza?

How much does a large pizza cost?

What colour is the cat?

What's the cat's name?

How much does a can of bloxy cola cost?

GASP! This is not a very cozy score! You'd better have another go at the game and then come back and try again! If you'd rather not though don't worry - we have lots of other epic Roblox quizzes for you to try!

Not bad! This Roblox avatar looks annoyed but actually this is a decent score. You know a lot about Warm Isolation! You missed out on a few right answers though, and didn't manage to get a high score this time. Never mind - fancy having another go? Or try a different quiz?

Woah! Very nice! This is a really good score! You must love Warm Isolation! Well done! You didn't quite get full marks though and you just missed out on one or two right answers... but never mind. Do you think you can beat this score on a different Roblox quiz?

Amazing! You really nailed this! Fantastic work! Full marks... no improvements to be made here! You clearly know this game inside out. Now, can you match this perfect score on a different Roblox quiz? Let's try another and find out!